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Showing posts with the label powell peralta

New Setup

So by now you should be aware that I am an old dude who is relearning to skate again after a 17 year hiatus, but what you may not know is that I’m about to turn 44…. Argh… Yeah…. Fuck that sucks... but I digress... So, with my impending birthday coming up that is putting me closer to my death than to my youth my lovely girlfriend decided to buy me a Powell Peralta Flight deck for my Bday as I have been talking about this deck ever since I discovered that they existed and have been dreaming about building the lightest set-up ever. And I think I got dam close.  The deck is a “ BISS Leaf Grasshopper, with a 249 shape, 8.5 . Per Powell it is Thinner than a 7-ply “it’s as thin as your phone”. It is strong, “more than twice as strong in tail break tests”.  Its longer lasting, “The epoxy infused, fiber reinforced structure is extremely resistant to breaking”. And it has “everlasting pop and higher ollies because of the greater rebound and snap” of the fiberglass structure. Yeh, yeh, ...