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Showing posts with the label scooters

Scooters Suck Campaign

I'm sure like myself, the rest of you at some point has had a kid on a scooter cut off your line at a park... Which is pretty annoying... No to mention dangerous... Don't get me wrong, they are only kids, (if your a teenager or older and still scooting there is no hope for you ) so its not completely their fault as they have no idea of what correct skate park etiquette is because their parents obviously have never skated. This has to be true because NO self respecting individual would ever let their kid scoot if they have ever placed even a single foot on a skateboard. Yes, the blame my friends lies entirely with the parents who bought them that silly piece of metal with handle bars and dropped them off at a skate park as if its a playground, with a jungle gym and a slide. So we must educate them,  In the hopes of stopping the indoctrination of the lamest thing ever and bringing awareness to the parents of these poor soles I came up with the Scooters Suck campaign, Because Kno...